Hannah Stone is a brilliantly eccentric human being that enjoys black coffee being poured over her whilst hanging upside down from a banana tree.
She also writes songs, often while knitting socks.
Her band found each other during late night "Fight Club" sessions in the Goodwill parking lot.
They quickly realized they were lovers, not fighters, and with Hannah as their Joan of Arc torchlight to guide them through the dark world of the Los Angeles music scene, they began writing, recording and performing their unique brand of songs through Southern California and beyond, with hopes to be the first band to perform on Mars.
Their music has been described as a cross between a kazoo farm caught in a tornado and an occult ritual hosted by fun-loving Zebras.
No matter who you are or what you like, you are sure to love their lovely blend of music and narcissism; a celebration of star-nosed moles and their lizard overlords.