11.15 Vocal Department Industry Showcase Social Calendar

Vocal Department Industry Showcase 11/15

Amber Navran is a LA based singer, producer, and woodwind player. She is a…

11.8 Reggie

Reggie 11/8

Reggie began their career journey back in 2016 at LACM. After graduating, they…

11.13 Ryan Lerman Social Calendar

Masters Forum: Ryan Lerman 11/13

As an instrumentalist, Ryan Lerman spent his 20s touring the world as a bassist…

10.30 Melinda & Larry

Masters Forum: Melinda Sullivan & Larry Goldings 10/30

An unlikely and extraordinary duo, Larry Goldings (piano, keyboards) and…

11.1 Body Music

Body Music Clinic w/ Ronaldo Crispim 11/1

Ronaldo Crispim is one of the creators and directors of the Instituto Música do…

10.29 Kasturi Shan

Kasturi Shan 10/29

For five years, Australian import Kaz Shan has worked PR of Interscope Geffen…

Neurodiversity Group Hang SU24

Neurodiversity Group Meetings FA24

Are You Neurodivergent? Calling all neurodiverse students. Date: Thursdays,…

Study Hall Fall 2024

Study Hall FA24

Meetings every Thursday from 6-8pm with free pizza! Porcaro Hall Questions?…