André Knecht was born in Switzerland in 1959. His academic and professional background include Electronic Music studies at Padua University, Italy, and a 7-year stint as a Sound Designer, Recording Engineer, Music Supervisor and composer with the Swiss Broadcasting Company (SSR), where he also hosted both radio and TV shows. In 1983 he moved to California where he began a twin-track career in audio engineering and marketing at Warner Bros. Records. With a solid grounding in analog technologies, he embraced the digital era at its dawn – adopting MIDI and Digital Audio Workstations as they first appeared. (A Pro Tools user since v1.0, he still makes use of his beloved Moogs and Studers, etc.) Today, he is active as a freelance engineer and producer, as well as a consultant, instructor, beta-tester, and technical editor for book projects in the audio field. Andre Knecht is happily married and teaches many of the classes in the Producer Department that require his mastery of all things audio technical.
Post-Secondary Studies/Sound Engineering | Università di Padova, Italy