Jimmy started playing at 10 years old. A few months after receiving his first drum set he landed a TV show alongside the late River Phoenix. A few months later he was doing theater in LA as a cast member and musician. By 14 he started his first band
rolo that woula ena up In recular rotation at Disneylana as well as winning starsearen ana perrorming on numerous telethons. By 18 he had started getting calls for sessions and tours. It expanded from there. “I was lucky to have a huge family with all kinds of music playing at all times. As I grew as a musician, I just continued that trend of listening to everything Consequently, I get calls from R&B artists as often as rock, pop and country artists.” From Santana, John Waite and Kenny Loggins to Selena to Tony Orlando. 2003 Jimmy began touring with Spock’s Beard alongside Nick D’Virgilio. 2012 saw Nick leaving and Jimmy taking over as the full time drummer with the release of Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep and 2015 with The Oblivion Particle. Next up, Pattern-Seeking Animals, his current band is about to release their 5th album and last year saw the release of Jimmy’s first solo effort, singing, playing drums and various other instruments as well as mixing and producing. 2024, Jimmy joined the legendary ABC and will continue on with them through this year and who knows…